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How Covenant Eyes works best for iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod touch®
Covenant Eyes for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch monitors and reports Highly Mature top-level domains accessed across all apps, and enforces Safe Search through Google and Bing across all apps. We also have an Internet browser that is designed to change Safari. This app is provided for free to subscribers to Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability and Filtering and we can monitor and filter all Internet activity that is done over the Covenant Eyes application. This creates three different levels of protection offered to iOS users:
All levels: Use the Covenant Eyes browser because your default browser, as it will give you essentially the most clarity on your Accountability Reports.
Good: At this level, users is able to keep Safari toggled on for usage of Siri and also to more easily open links through e-mail and also other apps. Only top level domains rated Highly Mature is going to be monitored through Safari.
Better: At this level, users can keep Safari toggled on for usage of Siri and to more easily open links through e-mail as well as other apps. In addition, enable restrictions (under Settings/General) to limit adult content” in Safari, and shut off the App Store to limit access to browsers that could allow circumvention.
Best: At this level, users will browse exclusively through the Covenant Eyes browser and continue to lock down the Safari browser because they had in previous versions of Covenant Eyes for iOS. In addition, full restrictions must be set to block Safari and the App store. This will cause all Internet activity being monitored and, if your user's settings demand it, filtered. This option provides one of the most comprehensive protection.
Installing the Browser App
The Covenant Eyes browser app is available as Covenant Eyes ” on the App Store. In order to use this app, you'll want a Covenant Eyes username with Internet Accountability and/or Filtering. Sign up today!
Once you've installed the app, simply logon using your account information. You will remain signed within this account. If you need to switch users, you might do so from the Settings” app.
7 Easy Steps to Setting Restrictions
If you decide to solely utilize Covenant Eyes Browser, it can be designed to work hand-in-hand with your device's built-in restrictions.
Launch the Settings” app and then select the icon labeled General.”
Select Restrictions” and tap the button labeled Enable Restrictions.”
You is going to be asked for a four-digit passcode. We recommend obtaining the person who holds you accountable set this passcode for you.
Next, switch off Safari, AirDrop, and other apps that might allow objectionable material. Toggle Installing Apps” to Off” as well. Note that many apps have built-in browsers employed for ads, contact, or comments, which Covenant Eyes will not monitor.
Many apps, such as the YouTube app, can't be disabled such as step 4. You will need to uninstall the app (if it is already installed), then disable Installing Apps” in order to avoid reinstallation.
Under Allowed Content,” toggle off of the ability to hear explicit music and podcasts, and disallow movies and TV shows at inappropriate levels (e.g. NC-17 for movies and TV-MA for TV shows).
DO NOT disable apps rated 17+. Because Covenant Eyes offers Internet access that could be unfiltered, Apple rates it 17+. By disabling 17+ apps, you is going to be disabling Covenant Eyes.
Using the App
The Covenant Eyes app works in the background, monitoring the web domains you visit, but it is a web browser, designed to replace Safari or any other browsers on the device. To make use of the browser, click on the Covenant Eyes icon. Once you might have signed in, use it to browse the web. Standard features include bookmarks and tabbed browsing. You may also choose Google, Bing, or Yahoo since your default search engine from the Settings” app.
Importing bookmarks
At this time, the Covenant Eyes browser struggles to import bookmarks from other browsers. You can still create bookmarks for the Covenant Eyes browser by navigating for your favorite web pages, simply clicking the bottom center icon in the browser (the square with all the arrow pointing up from the jawhorse) then choosing add bookmark.” This will get you to the Edit Bookmark” screen. After you click save,” it will probably be accessible inside Covenant Eyes browser by simply clicking on the icon on underneath bar seems like a book.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Covenant Eyes Filtering work with this browser,
Our built-in browser includes Filtering as well as Accountability. This means that websites visited through this app will probably be blocked based on the Filter Sensitivity Level and block/allow list—no extra configuration necessary. Full Filtering is available from the Covenant Eyes browser, but restricted mode is enforced in the YouTube app for Filter users.
I need Safari for work! How do I open e-mail links inside Covenant Eyes browser,
If you're choosing to make use of the Covenant Eyes web browser only, we highly recommend disabling Safari. You can still view these links by copying and pasting them individually into the Covenant Eyes browser window. Or if you should, you are able to re-enable Safari and apply it to open links from your email and utilize Covenant Eyes browser for all of your other browsing activity.
First, tap and contain the link you wish to open and select copy.” Then open the Covenant Eyes browser.
If here is the first time you've got opened the browser, or if you open a fresh tab, you will note a dialog box asking if you would like to open up the copied link. Otherwise, paste the copied URL into the address bar.
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