How to fix Error 3194 successfully with few easy steps

Fix error 3194

How to repair error 3194 appearing on iTunes,

‘How to repair error 3194‘ can be a frequently asked question from Apple i-device users who keep getting this error while trying to upgrade or restore their iOS using iTunes. This is just about the most common iTunes errors which appears as a warning from Apple's verification server if there is any connection or protocol issue during upgrade/restore of the iPad/iPod/iPhone or if you're not eligible to perform upgrade or restore in the iOS to a particular version.

How to solve error 3194- exactly why the error occurs.

Before I go to resolve how to repair error 3194 successfully i want to first explain why actually error 3194 appears. Apple only allows installation of latest version of iOS on its iPhone or on any one of its i-devices as it may no longer patch or fix previous releases of iOS. When you try to upgrade or restore your iPhone, iTunes checks the server to make sure that whether you are eligible for the particular upgrade with the iOS firmware or if you have any network connection or protocol issue. If any difficulty is detected within this verification process, the update will fail and iTunes error 3194 will be triggered.

Now the question is why then you certainly get the error 3194 even when you attempt to restore your iPhone to the latest version of iOS, Well in such cases the problem actually lies with all the computer's hosts file. iTunes uses the hosts file of your computer to communicate with Apple's iOS restore verification server for both Mac and PC of course, if this hosts file is modified at all, you will continue to get error 3194 whenever you try to update the iOS using iTunes on account of failure with the verification process. For most iPhone users, at some point in time, they jailbreak their iPhone with all the help of some vacation program to switch their iOS device so that you can free their phones from the limitations imposed by Apple along with the process change the hosts file. This results blocking of iTunes communication with Apple's iOS restore verification server causing triggering of error 3194.

However, occasionally error 3194 can also occur on account of some unrelated connectivity problem involving the client along with the host server while carrying on an iOS

How to correct error 3194 successfully

1. Close your iTunes;

Location for Windows: C:windowssystem32driversetchosts;

Location for Mac: /etc/hosts;

3. Open the hosts file (with Administrator privileges for Windows users) using

Notepad or other text editing program;

4. Scroll around the Notepad and locate these IP address at the end from the hosts file:

5. Place # logon front of the IP address. Putting # means you're disabling the

particular host line;

7. Connect the iPhone for a computer and launch iTunes;

8. Put your iPhone to the DFU mode. To go into DFU mode follow the next steps:

• Turn off your iPhone;

• Press and hold ‘home' and ‘power' button of one's iPhone for ten seconds;

• Release the ‘power' button but keep hold of the home' button until iTunes shows what it's all about stating iTunes has detected an iPhone in recovery mode. You must restore this iPhone before it can be combined with iTunes;

• Press the ‘OK' tab plus your iPhone has become in DFU mode;

9. Use the iTunes restore feature using the iOS devices as usual;

10. Once the iOS update ends, delete the ” line from the hosts file so that iTunes can carry out proper update normally;

11. Make sure that you are using the newest version of iTunes plus you've got disabled the firewall (if you are using Windows) in the fixing process;

In many instances, larger than fifteen 3194 should stop appearing by now. Nevertheless, in the event you still come across the mistake, you can try the following options to fix error 3194,

Option 1: Try without putting the sign ‘#' in front with the I.P address (This has worked in few cases) ;

Option 2: Rename the hosts file to something different like - blablahosts. (This has worked in many cases but do not forget to rename it to hosts when you might be done with the fix) ;

Option 3: Try the fix by deleting the hosts file (Make sure to copy and save the file elsewhere before deleting in order that you can put it back following your iPhone restore.) ;

In rare times when the above fixes do not work particularly when the iPhone/iPad has been jail broken a lot of times the ‘TinyUmbrella' software can be used to repair error 3194.

How to correct error 3194 to get a Jail broken iPhone - Use TinyUmbrella

• Download the iOS firmware that you want your iPhone being upgraded/downgraded to;

• Download the most recent version of ‘TinyUmbrella' software;

• Connect your iPhone for a computer and close iTunes whether or not this opens automatically;

• Open ‘TinyUmbrella' and click ‘Start TSS Server';

• Put your iPhone in DFU mode (as described earlier);

• For updating/downgrading your firmware for the desired version select ‘Shift + Restore' for Windows and ‘Option + Restore' for Mac and point it to the iOS firmware you downloaded above;

• Hopefully, your iPhone can be updated towards the desired iOS firmware through iTunes;


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Raynold Zaicksah Nambu

Feb 15. 2016

My host file look like this and still i am getting this error code 3194.

please help.



# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each

# entry needs to be kept with an individual line. The IP address should

# go in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.

# The IP address along with the host name should be separated by at the very least one

# space.


# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.

# localhost

# ::1 localhost


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