how to iphone conference call
How to host a big Conference Call from an iPhone, We often think that we are unable to do what we need to do when we’re away from our office. Sending email is tedious. Reviewing slides is like climbing Mount Everest. Having a big conference call on the go, A smartphone is never as convenient as a good old spider phone! Basically, what do you need when you’re hosting a big conference call, Mobile app meets all these requirements. Instead of waiting for your guests to join, you call them all at once on their landline, mobile or even in a foreign country. The app ensures that your guests will be on time and won’t have to bother about PIN codes. Download 247meeting Mobile to find out. The app is very intuitive. You’ll start your Conference in one touch. If you want to go further and discover every feature, follow our walkthrough and get started with free credit.

how to iphone conference call

Although it sounds harder, setting up and making a conference call on your iPhone is easy. However, you do need to get used to the conference calling features on your iPhone by setting up some conference calls with your close friends and relatives, before using your iPhone for business or work related conference calls. Apart from business or work related situations, you can also make use of the conference calling feature on your iPhone to interact with family members and common friends located in different cities or countries. Making personal conference calls allows you to both save time (compared to calling individually) and also enjoy the feeling of being connected with your close friends and relatives at the same time. Another good reason for making personal conference calls would be to get the practice to set up and hold conference calls on your iPhone. This will allow you to carry out important business and work related conference calls on your iPhone without making mistakes.