Turning Guided Access On will give an option of Passcode Settings. Here by selecting Set Guided Access Passcode, you can set Passcode which will be used while locking and unlocking Apps. Open the App which you want to lock. For instance, take Messages App. Now to Start Guided Access and lock Messages App triple click the home button. Triple clicking on the home button will give you options where you can restrict features within an app as shown below. This is the best part of this feature. You might have seen apps which lock other applications but to lock features within an app is quite new and different. For example, we have taken Messages Application, tap on Options at bottom left corner as shown above and Toggle Keyboards to OFF. You may turn off other features depending on your choice. With this, you won’t be able to use Keyboard inside Messages App. Moreover, you can circle out areas within an app which you would like to disable. In our example, lets circle out and disable Edit so that no one is able to delete Messages.