How To Lock An IPhone 5 Into One App

how to iphone app lock
An iPhone can be used in a lot of different types of scenarios, and some of those scenarios don’t require the full functionality of the device. For example, your company might be demonstrating an app on an iPhone, and the only thing that you want customers to be able to do is interact with that app. Or maybe you are giving an iPhone to a child for emergencies, so all they really need is the Phone app. Your iPhone can enable this restricted functionality with a feature called Guided Access. Our tutorial below will show you how to enable and activate this setting so that the iPhone will require a passcode before the app can be closed or exited. The steps in this article were performed on an iPhone 5, in iOS 9.3. You will be able to set a passcode for Guided Access. This passcode can be different than you device passcode.

how to iphone app lock
Step 1: Tap the Settings icon. Step 2: Scroll down and select the General option. Step 3: Select Accessibility. Step 4: Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select Guided Access. Step 5: Tap the button to the right of Guided Access, which will add some additional menu items. Tap the Passcode Settings option if you wish to create a passcode that will be required before exiting Guided Access. Step 6: Tap the Set Guided Access Passcode button. Step 7: Create a Guided Access passcode. Step 8: Re-enter the passcode to confirm it. Step 9: Press the Home button under your screen to exit the menu, then open the app to which you wish to lock the iPhone. I am going to choose Phone for this example. Step 10: Triple-tap the Home button under the screen to start Guided Access. Step 11: Circle areas on the screen that you want to disable (if any), then tap the Start button at the top-right of the screen. Guided Access is now active. To leave the app, triple-click the Home button, then enter the passcode that you created earlier. You can then tap the End button at the top-left corner of the screen. Do you need to change the passcode on your iPhone, This article will show you how to use a new one if there are other people that either know your current iPhone passcode, or might be able to guess it.

Navigate to any app you want to open and triple click the Home button, then circle any area on the screen that you would want to be inaccessible. You can check the Options to adjust settings for the session. Tap on Start at the top of the screen to begin Guided Access. To use third party app to lock apps on your iPhone, you need to jailbreak it. You can use BioProtect to lock apps on iPhone. Cydia’s BigBoss repo. This app allows you to protect your apps by setting a passcode or Touch ID from inquisitive people around you. First thing is to make your iOS Jailbreak. Launch Cydia on your device. BigBoss repo source, and search BioProtect. Purchase it and install it. Touch ID should be enabled as to access this app; you will need Touch ID every time you open the app. BioProtect, verify your fingerprint, access BioProtect settings.

Don’t forget to turn on Protect AppSwitcher and Vibrate on error. Under Protected Applications, choose what apps you want to lock. Now every time you access the locked app, it will ask for a Touch ID or passcode. See Also: Keep Picture and Videos Safe on your iPhone with Secret Photo Vault! If you wish to use a password to protect your apps instead of Touch ID, AppLocker for iOS is a good option. However, you can also set a Touch ID for it. Choose apps, you want to lock. Now every time you open locked app, you must enter the set password. This app not only allows you to lock your apps, but you can also lock the folders (the one which is used to categorize and organize the apps) on the phone. It is very important to lock apps and folders to prevent people from disturbing your privacy. If you have any other suggestions to secure your data on iPhone, please let us know in comment section below.

As an iPhone owner, many of my fiends love to have a quick look at this Apple’s sweet device. There’s no problem with that But my concern is that I can’t lend my iPhone without potentially giving them access to lots of personal data. Unfortunately, even in iPhone 3GS, we can only set a passcode to gain access to iPhone’s home screen but we don’t have App-Specific password protection. Once again Thanks to the Jailbreak Community where iPhone users can enjoy the App-Specific password protection. A free iPhone App: LockDown, available in Cydia has the ability to Password protect your desired application on iPhone. LockDown works like a charm on iPhone OS 3.0 and also supports 2.x firmwares as well. Let me give you a walk through of LockDown. Update: Lockdown is supported upto iOS 3.1.3. for iOS 4.x or later, you should get LockDown Pro or Locktopus. To install LockDown, you need to jailbreak your iPhone first.

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