Your Second iPhone Application! First open up Xcode again and make a View Based application. Look under your classes folder and click on HelloWorldViewController.h. When making applications you'll have a .h and a .m file. In the .h you declare what you're going to do and in the .m you do it. What were doing here is creating two Interface Builder Outlets. One is a Text Field and were naming that Text Field nameField. Our second outlet is a Label and were naming that nameLabel. Under that we are retaining the properties so we can use them in our app. The IBAction is an Interface Builder Action that when called upon will do what we tell it. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR APP before continuing. Click on HelloWorldViewController.xib to start making our interface. Connect the showName to the button and select touch up inside. We do this because our button will access the (IBAction)showName. Now lets make our view look a little nicer. Double click the button and change the text to "Click Me". After that double click the label and change the text to "Please Enter Your Name". Also drag the ends of the label to the edge of the view. Attributes Inspector and make sure in the layout is selected as center. Now, save up your Interface Builder and go back to Xcode. Open up the HelloWorldViewController.m so we can enter in what the showName action will do. You must always synthesize what you previously stated in the HelloWorldViewController.h. In our case we have nameLabel and nameField. Lastly we must define what showName will do. This code is saying that the text of nameLabel is "Hey %@". Make sure you close this off with the curly brackets. Click Build & Go and play with your new app.
Download your chosen icon and hey presto, instant access to information or game without having to use the web browser. Great shortcut and great invention! If you are a techno geek and love the idea of making up your own app, how easy is it to accomplish, Do you need tons of special software, Where can you find out more information, In this article, I would like to show you how to make your own iPhone apps without using software. The first thing to decide when making your own iPhone app is what type you will make, Start your plan by deciding which section of the market you will appeal to. Is it going to be informational, educational, musical or a game, Will it appeal to adults, teens or children, Write your thoughts and ideas down. When you brainstorm, just be aware that games are a little bit more complicated to make. Hire a programmer. Unless you are super whizz-kid and know a great deal about making iPhone apps, find a programmer! You won't need to use any special software and you can be spared hours of frustration.
They already have all the technical know-how and can flesh out your idea really quickly and make it work. Check out graphics on their previous work to make sure it fits in with your ideas. Once you are satisfied, hire them to bring your baby alive! Choose an app name. Before you proceed to step 4, it is worthwhile spending time researching a name for your iPhone app. Make sure there isn't anything similar out there - especially if you are planning to use the name to brand yourself. Create a website. Your website should appeal not only to the age group you are wanting to sell to, but also the niche market you have chosen. Having a real jazzy website with loads of bright colours to promote a puzzle iPhone app is not going to appeal to slightly older puzzle geeks, so set the tone well. Check out other iPhone apps - especially really new ones like Kolo's journey. Make a note of the sites that appeal to you and why. Using all the information you gathered, create your own website. Sell your app. Believe it or not, this is the most important step in creating your iPhone app. To find out how you can successfully market your iPhone app creation in a professional manner, check out iMMACC internet centre. This online centre is totally geared to teaching people how to sell any product using over 50 methods and strategies both on and offline. As an added bonus, you also get a free business to promote. I hope my iPhone apps review - how to make your own iPhone apps without using software has been helpful.
Among other things, Face ID lets you authenticate any purchases made in iTunes Store, App Store or iBooks Store, which permits you to buy apps and media with a simple glance. Before you can start using this handy feature, you must make sure that the option to authenticate purchases with Face ID has been enabled in Settings. Tap Face ID & Passcode in the list. When prompted, type in your passcode. Next, slide the switch labeled iTunes & App Store underneath the Use Face ID For heading to the ON position. This will let you use Face ID to authenticate purchases with Apple Pay and in Apple’s content stores: iTunes Store, App Store and iBooks Store. Now launch the iTunes Store, App Store or iBooks app on your device and navigate to a piece of content you’d like to buy, then tap its price or the Get button for free apps and content. TIP: To abandon your purchase, tap Cancel in the app sheet. When prompted to pay, double-click the Side button on the right side of the device then look at the TrueDepth camera of your iPhone X to finish the transaction.
NOTE: You might be asked to enter your Apple ID password for the first purchase you make in the iTunes Store, App Store or iBooks Store. In a typical Apple fashion, a white vertical label pops up at the rightmost side of the screen to precisely denote where the Side button is positioned on your device. If all goes well, you’ll see Done and a checkmark displayed in the app sheet at the bottom of the screen. On older devices, you must explicitly touch the Home button to confirm the purchase. With Face ID, you’re required to double-click the Side button before Face ID authenticates any purchases, which does a great job preventing unwanted or accidental purchases. If you like this how-to, pass it along to your support folks and leave a comment below. Not sure how to do certain things on your Apple device, Let us know via and a future tutorial might provide a solution.