Open Settings, go to 'Privacy', and find 'Location Services'. Keep it on for apps where you want it to know your location. If you like to share your location when you Tweet, keep it on for Twitter. But if you never use IMDB's cinema show times feature, revoke its access to your location, here. Push notifications can also hurt your battery life. And like background app refresh and location services, you've probably got some turned on that you don't need. To tweak these settings open the Settings app and choose 'Notifications'. Now you'll see a list of every installed app that can send notifications. Go into apps that you don't care about and uncheck 'Allow Notifications'. You have more options when dealing with the default Mail app. Find 'Mail, Contacts, Calendars' in Settings and tap on 'Fetch New Data'. Push email will send emails from the mail server to your iOS device as soon as they arrive, which can hurt your battery. You may wish it to turn this setting off and use a fetch schedule. This only looks for emails every 15 or 30 minutes, or every hour, or only when you go into the Mail app and refresh your inbox. Use whichever suits you best. A couple tips from ex-Apple Genius Bar staffer Scotty Loveless, who has got a huge and exhaustive guide to battery drain if you want even more information. First, stop manually closing all your apps. For starters, it's unnecessary: iOS is automatically juggling memory, putting apps in suspended animation, and killing unused memory hogs all by itself. But more importantly for this article, constantly having to load and unload apps from your phone's random access memory is bad for battery.
You'll also see that there are options to view screenshots of the game for iPhone and iPad. If you want more detail, check the Compatibility field: this is the eight entry in the Information section. Stellar Wanderer requires iOS 8.0 or later, and states again that it is compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Some apps will specify particular models of iPhone, iPad and iPod touch in the Compatibility section, but confusingly others place this information under Description. NOTE: Compatible with iPad 3, iPad mini 2, iPhone 5 and up. If you're concerned about compatibility, check both sections for any restrictions or recommendations. Let's return to the iPhone-only app Undercroft; despite that description, we can run it on the iPad anyway. To get round this you could search for the app on your Mac and then sync to the iPad, but that's far too long-winded. Instead, just click the menu that's currently labelled 'iPad Only' and change it to iPhone Only. Once you've downloaded the iPhone-only app to your iPad, things are straightforward: simply tap the app icon to start the game.