Pengen hard reset iPhone tetapi belum tahu bagaimana caranya, Reset iPhone bisa menjadi senjata pamungkas bagi kamu yang iPhone nya bermasalah, khususnya yang disebabkan karena masalah software. Hal ini karena setelah di-reset maka iPhone akan kembali fresh — sama seperti sebuah sistem operasi yang baru diinstall ulang. Selain itu reset iPhone juga perlu dilakukan sebelum kamu menjual iPhone, atau sesudah membeli iPhone second.
Pastikan baterai iPhone kamu penuh sebelum melakukan reset. Siapkan juga koneksi internet agar bisa terhubung ke Apple ID setelah proses reset selesai. Ada banyak opsi Reset iPhone yang akan ditampilkan, mulai dari reset settingnya saja, reset semua setting dan konten, dsb. Dalam banyak kasus, reset semua setting dan konten adalah yang diperlukan.
Jadi pilih Erase All Content and Settings untuk melakukannya. Sebagai keamanan, kamu akan diminta memasukkan passcode. Masukkan saja passcode di iPhone kamu untuk melanjutkan proses reset iPhone. Setelah itu tombol Erase iPhone akan muncul, pilih saja. Untuk keamanan, iPhone akan meminta password Apple ID. Masukkan saja password Apple ID kamu untuk melanjutkan Reset iPhone, lalu tekan Erase.
Then connect your iPhone device to computer. “iOS Full Data Eraser“. Step 2. Then read the instructions and warnings carefully and click “Erase” to begin. Since the operation will completely erase your iPhone and make it as a brand-new one. You need to enter “delete” to confirm that you want to do it,then click “Erase now”.
It looks like real paint on your screen. There is a version for ipad out now and they finally have an android version. Corel Painter 2018 Digital Art Suite for PC/MacThis is the most advanced digital program that mimics natural media. Corel Painter Essentials 5 Digital Art Suite for PC and Mac (Old Version)This is a scaled down version of Painter 2015 and doesn't have as many brushes.
It is great for people on a budget or beginners who want to learn the basics of Corel Painter. I hope this hub has given you some information to help in your digital painting. I'm not an android programmer or a big expert on digital painting, but I'm learning new things everyday that I can share with you. This hub was an overview of the tools that I use for digital painting. I plan to present more hubs with digital painting lessons in the future.
For iPhone 7 owners and owners of earlier models you will want to hold down the lock key and the home button until you see a black screen with the Apple logo. For iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus owners you will do the same thing but hold down the lock and volume down buttons instead. A quick hard reset may be your best friend if you are experiencing poor iOS 11 battery life. Beyond those tips, the only other thing you can do is be patient. Apple is likely working on fixes for battery issues and you may see improvement with future updates. Have you been experiencing problems with iOS 11 battery life or has the update been kind to you, Let us know in the comments section below!
Updated on October 8, 2011 Tom T moreContact Author VN250 Problems (Warning I do not know if this will damage your memory card or phone interface. I am only telling you what worked for us. Repeat step 2 until phone powers on. This worked for us. Seemed to save the picture so there was no lost data and other features of the phone worked OK.
My sense is this would be fixed as part of an update for the software. I have no idea if this may cause problems but it was a desperate situation. I'll need to look into this and see if there is a more elegant solution. Anybody else had problems with this Phone, If you fixed them let use know.
Post them in the comments below so we can keep using our phones! Here's a new tid bit that may help a few people. Turns out you can do an over the air software update for the Cosmos VN250. Procedure looks simple and can be done where ever there is coverage. Cell Phones10 Rules of Cell Phone Etiquette - Are You Rude, Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account.