How Can I Recover Files, Photos & Data From A Broken Laptop Or PC

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Are you going to retrieve your lost data on your Broken computers now! Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. 0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. I know that heart wrenching feeling when you lose all your data! Thank You so much, I bought the product, followed all the instructions and now I have everything from my laptop.

I bought this device, and opened up my laptop (Lenovo Yoga) but there was no piece that would fit into the adapter. What am I missing, Very valuable information and lots of useful links. Have bookmarked this lens for future reference. I'm going to back everything up again, I hope I won't need this advice.

I live in fear of my laptop dying and losing all my photos. Wow very interesting lens i never knew it could be done that easily unfortunately it doesn't work because the data as been corrupted but i will be keeping this information incase my laptop or pc breaks. HDD in to my new laptop it pops up saying i need to reformat the disk drive which will erase all the data on it so how am i supposed to transfer all my important files. I had pictures from a vacation on an SD card which I have lost.

I did not download them to my laptop but had viewed them several times on the laptop. Does the hard drive save those images somewhere, If so can they be retrieved, USB2 to SATA/IDE adapter to my broken lappy and with new one. How Data transfer will be start., Kimberella68: If you have NOT saved them to a hard drive you can ONLY retrieve these from the actual SD card. I lost all my pics and videos and they mean a lot to me. Some great tips, thank you for sharing.

Always remember that the hard drive can always be recovered unless it was magnetized or the bearings have been completely frozen. If the data is important enough, there are specialists that can remove the platter and place them in a special hard drive unit that will allow them to recover all of the data. Certainly some handy tricks to know here.

I fear my two dead hard drives are of the variety that have to be opened in a clean room and reset in temporary housing while they get scraped, IF they can be scraped. HD is not fried. For me that is the main issue. Although through experience I back up all of my data to a thumb / flash drive. Others will burn their data onto CD's or DVD's.

The interesting part is that I still have the two dead HD and have not given up trying to retried the data. The biggest issue is the sound that they make. Sort of a clunk, clunk clunk sound. Yes I do know what this means. Actually quite easy as long as your hard drive has not been fried.

This is good to know, thanks. Well maybe there is hope for some stuff sitting on an old laptop I have. Saving this page so I get back an follow your directions careful. Thanks so much for this info. YOu need to see if it is the fan perhaps overheating, If it is a virus usually you can tell straight away, if it just shuts down it can mean the fan is broken and its overheating.

Our family computer is completely messed up, it crashes if it has been on longer than 3mins. We're not sure if it's a virus that's causing it or if it's just old. If I used this method to retrieve our documents would the virus infect my laptop when transporting the files, Recently crashed my computer and am so glad to learn this.

Going to send it to my techie husband. Nice lens, I use the same adapters to transfer the content of a Hard Disk to another, it usually works quite well. My last laptop died, wouldn't boot up. Think it overheated and fried the motherboard. My hubby removed the hard drive and put it in an external case linked to my new computer. So glad to have access to those files.

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