How To Clean Rubber Or Silicone IPhone Cases

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Updated on August 13, 2015 smartphonecases moreContact Author If your protective phone case is made of soft silicone gel (often referred to as a bumper case) then you know how easily they stain. Even if you are careful, stains can develop when the case rubs against dyed fabric. Depending upon the color of your case, you might see a slight stain even after sliding your phone into your jeans pocket a few times. Sometimes a phone cover leaves marks on the phone it is protecting.

These can range from scratches, smudges, and dirty residue caught between the case and the phone. We've researched and tried all types of remedies to clean phones and their cases. Here is a round-up of the very best solutions. Some require chemicals that could harm or damage your case if not used carefully.

Use these at your own risk. We don't claim responsibility for any damage that might come to you, your phone, or the case. Do You Need to Clean Your Phone Case, You'll be able to get most stains out by scrubbing with a soft brush after soaking your case in warm water and dish soap. Only use bleach as a last resort, as the chlorine can eat away at the silicone.

If your case is very stained and you want to try bleach, dilute one tablespoon bleach in a sink of warm water. Some phone cases leave marks or small scratches on the phone. If this happens, take the cover off and use a microfiber cloth to rub the phone well. If scratches are still visible, apply some Mequiars Scratch X or denatured alcohol to the microfiber cloth and rub the phone again.

If your phone is significantly damaged by the case and you have an iPhone and have only ever used the original Apple phone case, consider taking the phone and case into the Apple store. Show them the marks and scratches on your phone and see what they will do for you.

Otherwise, once you've cleaned your phone go ahead and clean the case following the tried-and-true techniques below. One obvious solution you might not have thought of is to simply put your case into the washer along with your other clothes. Use the gentle cycle. It really doesn't get simpler than this. While this might work for light dye stains, it's not likely to remove dark, heavy-set marks.

Please note that this technique can damage your case. Depending upon your case's design, it could be damaged in the machine as it's clearly not designed for this kind of treatment. If you're hesitant, use an organic soap that's light on chemicals to avoid permanently damaging the case's finish. If you have only mild stains or your case is dirty with dust and grime, then all it needs is a good wash. Grab a small bowl and fill it with warm water and dish soap.

Use a toothbrush or similar gentle brush to scrub the dirty or mildly stained areas. This solution is great for giving your case a quick clean. It will look good as new. Fill a large bowl with warm water. Add about a tablespoon of Windex, dish soap, or citrus-based cleaner. Place something heavy on your case to keep it submerged and let it sit for a few minutes. Use a soft brush to gently scrub to remove stains or dirt. Repeat as needed and rinse with cold water.

Make sure to dry your case well before installing back onto your iPhone. Bleach is almost sure to remove any stains, but it can damage your case if not diluted properly. Use bleach as a last resort and only if your case is purely white. If your case is colored, then it's likely to bleed or fade. Fill a large container, something about the size of your sink, with warm water and add about a tablespoon of bleach. Let your case rest inside the container for a couple minutes. Remove and gently scrub the stained areas.

If results are desirable but the stain persists, then repeat until the stains are completely removed. Afterwards make sure to rinse thoroughly with cold water to remove any bleach left behind on the case's surface. Remember to take good care of your case and it will protect your iPhone for a long time! How Do You Keep Your Phone Clean,

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