Evasi0n jailbreak for IOS 7 comes after IOS 6.1.3 and 6.1.4 blues passed completely unanswered. The assumption that most iPhone users have now jumped ship to IOS 7x, makes it a more viable jailbreak option though. First things first: Before implementing anything that Apple does not sanction officially, i.e jailbreaking, it is smart to take some precautions. It is unlikely that anything will go wrong in the course of jailbreaking, but you just want to be safe.
First back up your data. This may include your contacts, apps, photos, videos and music. Second, make sure you really want to implement Evasi0n jailbreak. Why jailbreak your iPhone if you do not know why you want to do so, Read about the pros and cons of iPhone jailbreak before you dig in.
If you decide that Evasi0n jailbreak is for you, then read along. 1: The jailbreak illustration herein is designed for Windows users only. 2: If for some reason you encounter jailbreak hiccups as you go along, make sure to launch evasi0n.exe as Administrator. To do this, right click the evasi0n.exe file and select Administrator from the shortcut menu. 3: If you also encounter issues when the iPhone passcode lock is on, make sure to remove it. You will be prompted to enter your password. After you have entered your passcode, tap on Turn Passcode Off.
Again you will be prompted for your passcode. Enter your passcode again. Tap on Turn Off or whatever iDevice you intend to jailbreak. Once you connect the iPhone via its cable, Evasi0n 7 will detect it and will display its details. After the iPhone has been detected, Evasi0n will spontaneously prompt you to click the Jailbreak tab.
This is a point of no return, and before you begin, make sure this is what you actually want. Tap on the Jailbreak tab to start. The Evasi0n 7 jailbreak process will begin in earnest and all the process that you will see will be on the Evasi0n window only. For the time being, there will be no activity on your iPhone. This initial stage will see Evasi0n 7 jailbreak data get uploaded onto your iPhone.
It will also silently install an Evasi0n app on your iPhone. Soon after Evasi0n will alert you and promptly reboot the iPhone. When your iPhone reboots, the Evasi0n app will now be visible on your iPhone. Evasi0n will ask you to tap on the app in order for the final jailbreak process to initiate. Once you tap on the app, Evasi0n will reboot your device, for the second time.
It is now that the final Evasion jailbreak process and installation will take place. Other jailbreak files inside your iPhone will be modified as well. The iPhone will then reboot for the third and last time. You should also see the Evasi0n logo display during boot up. And just like that, an untethered iPhone jailbreak will be complete.
A new Cydia app instead of the Evasi0n app will now be visible on your iPhone screen. Tap on the app. Cydia will prepare and modify your iPhone, which will restart soon after. After Cydia has restarted, head back to the app and tap on it. You will now be shown the first setup page for Cydia, with user options. You will be able to choose from User, Hacker and Developer setups. I am assuming you are the every day user and not hacker or developer.
Tap on User, and then Done at the top right corner of the page. The home page for Cydia will load. For the un-initiated, head over to Upgrading Sections, Changes, Manage and Search, which will help you navigate and install third party apps. Now that you understand where you are, you can now head over to Sources or simply search for a jailbreak app or tweak and install it via Cydia.