MSpot Stores Your Music* In The Cloud, Makes It Available Anywhere**

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Whoa there, vaquero -- don't get too excited just yet. As with just about every other gratis backup service on the web, there's a catch you should know about with mSpot's latest endeavor. The free limit is right around 2GB (exact size is TBD), so if you've got more than a second generation iPod's worth of audio, this here service will only serve as a tease.

Only on Android, Macs and PCs at first, chief! PCs/Macs. The service enables you to quickly upload your music into the mSpot Cloud, where you can start listening to it from popular desktop browsers and cell phones immediately. The service includes a smart application that operates in the background of your computer managing the upload and day-to-day syncing of your music library. In addition, it can upload playlists, coverart, ratings and song information you may have entered using iTunes or Windows Media Player.

The application manages your music for you, making automatic updates whenever changes occur in your library, and across different connected devices. Spot CEO Daren Tsui. Spot provides a rich, "connected" experience that enables you to see related content matched to the song that's being played, including song lyrics, artist bios and discography - all because you are connected to the mSpot Cloud.

Spot enables you to take your music wherever you go, automatically syncing with different devices in such a seamless way that it feels like your music is following you: simple, fast and easy. The service will initially be offered on the latest Android phones. The launch of the mSpot music service comes on the heels of its Mobile Movies service, which is available via the mobile web on all four major U.S. 50 different handset devices, including the iPhone, Blackberry, Palm, Windows Mobile and many high-end feature phones.

So, how to get some new WhatsApp friends, The android app named WhatsFriend has tried to solve this problem by trying to build a social app with WhatsApp users. You can search for friends here. 15. How to get Some Cool WhatsApp Status Update Messages, One can change his status in WhatsApp.

Status change reflects one’s personality. You can look cooler by using some great status updates. But you know, collecting great status messages is a long time consuming task and nowadays who have so much time to spend, For you there is a solution named “50000 Status Quotes”, an Android app with more than 50,000 status update messages!

These all are divided into 15 categories like “Crush Quotes”, “Daring Status”, ”Decent Status”, “Cute Status”, “Diwali Status”, “Eid Status” etc. All these status messages can be easily shared. You can schedule our WhatsApp messages. So, you can send a message at a certain time to someone automatically. You do not need to open WhatsApp at that time to do it. The app named Seedby Scheduler can do it for you.

But off course, you need to possess a rooted Android device to get that advantage. Seedby automatic message sender can be very useful if you have a large number of friends. You can send similar messages to different friends at different times by using it. This app also supports Viber. You can see the delivery time of your message on the time stamp. But do you know how to check whether your message has been read or ignored by your friend,

Well, if you interested then there is a way to know it. In the case of Android phones, open the chat conversation. Then select the particular message sent by you. Long press it to get the hidden menu. You will see an “I” inside a circle. Click on it to get the details of your message.

There you can see the delivery time and when the message was read (or not). Are you been added to too many groups, Is your WhatsApp account being flooded by scores of messages from a particular group, Yes, you can mute a particular group. Enter the group chat and then tap the menu button. There you will see a mute option.

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