Sync IPhone Contacts, Calendars & Notes With Gmail

gmail iphone
I just had a similar problem, but with the iPhone 4. I’m curious if you ever found a resolution. The accounts button is complete gone in both the settings and the notes app. In the past, I’ve use IMAP to sync my notes w/ Gmail. Today I noticed that my recent notes were not in Gmail. The last one shown was November 20th. I turned off the Gmail notes sync and then turned it back on.

All the notes I made since November 20th were instantly deleted. As a warning to anyone else who notices their newer notes not syncing with Gmail, email them all to yourself before you do anything else. As far as I understand, there is no easy way to get these notes back if you haven’t done a recent backup on iTunes.

I was under the impression that the iPhone simply pushes the notes to Gmail as a back up rather than the other way around. As a test, I made a new note today after turning sync back on. The note appeared in Gmail. When I then turned off notes syncing, all of my notes were removed from my iPhone.

This seems broken to me as Google Sync is often mentioned as a preferred way to backup notes. I would think that third party applications / protocols should be able to remove something created on the iPhone using a native app without as least asking especially considering the data on the device was newer.

Either go one column or keep your columns 50% width each. Not perfect but makes it more readable. Here’s a question. What could cause this, We have created a newsletter that works perfect (as far as can get) in IOS, Android and desktop. Here’s the problem. The company that we built this newsletter for, sent us screenshots showing us that the responsive content is showing but also the NON responsive content that should be hidden.

Now, i have tried EVERYTHING here to reproduce that problem, however, no luck. The client’s phone is android and is in Germany, we on the other hand are based in the Netherlands. Does anybody know what causes this, Is it a setting on her phone, I have tested and tested it on a large amount of android phones but no problems here.

Only on her phone. Boyke - Gmail doesn’t support media queries, so you cannot have two versions of an email within the same file. However you should really only have one ‘truly responsive email in your file, not two which are switched via media queries depending on device. That’s how you will get the best universal support. Just to add, I think we should forget about responsive emails for Gmail App and use this fix. Unless you want a boring 1 column email that is…no thank you!

We’re at the mercy of Gmail picking their bums while we wait for some basic media query support for their client. The people who write the gmail html parsing engine are core Google engineers. The people who crafted your analytics newsletter are contractors, on a deadline, on a budget, and just trying to get something that works out on time. They have a bias towards Google products - you can probably get away with an email that looks bad on Outlook or IE if it looks good in the Gmail app and Chrome.

Core Google Engineering is not vetting every email build that goes out for conformity to Google’s view of proper email HTML. Proper engineering would not be altering the incoming email as you could never code smart enough to have 100% of cases work well. They should also support media queries as that is considered the correct way of supporting smaller devices. So to answer you. Google engineers do not have the simplest of understandings about design and fonts sizes.

They do not even understand that line height must be changed with font size or eventually lines will sit over each other. Making the text UNREADABLE. Thank you and thanks to Alex Williams for the genial hack and it did help us in the past! Unfortunately this hack is no more working since a few days as the Gmail (Web, iOS and Android) begun to support “display:none”. The hack will be therefore ignored and the Gmail iOS app is bumping up the text again. Any idea how we could handle this problem,

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