WiFi For IPhone; How To Extend Range

how iphone works
Updated on April 16, 2015 Audrey Selig moreAudrey's interest in computer technology convinced her to research and write about other areas of technology. Did you ever become frustrated over your iPhone's inability to work with your WiFi, known as a wireless networking system, You wish you could extend the range. No one tells you when you set up your wireless network that it may have a certain range due to the material in your walls or interference.

You learn about it when you take your iPhone or even a laptop to a different room. The bars showing the WiFi strength don't look very strong with some beginning to fade. You may even pick up a neighbor's WiFi signal unless locked. If so, it will show a lock in front of the network name in the WiFi list in settings. You may be discouraged, as you can't text your kids or fire up your laptop.

The solution to the problem is a wireless range extender, a small price to pay for peace of mind. You will learn about this electronic achievement and how to easily set it up to assist you with your tasks and accomplishments. We purchased a wireless range extender, as our router would not extend the range from our computer to our back bedroom.

Placing the new appliance on a shelf midway between the computer room and the bedroom, worked so well for us.The range extender has four green lights which turn on when you connect the wire. With this new equipment, the signal picks up on the iPhone and even a laptop in the farthest room in the house.

Some homes have material in their walls that prevent the signal from penetrating and need the extender. You may live in a large home that might need two extenders. Such a simple purchase solves so many problems,and people need to have this information. If you ever see a yellow light on the extender, that means the signal is weak.Other issues could occur. Occasionally, you might lose the signal for WiFi, but it can be easily fixed. You need to reboot the connection by unplugging the router and modem and range extender for one minute at a time.

Don't forget the WiFi password, as it may request it at times. Do not become frustrated, and if you have further problems, refer to link for twin article. The Netgear works well for us. A very strong signal goes to our far bedroom. We use it for telephone calls and texting from the iPhone.

If you try to download photos to a laptop, it may not have such capability. However, you can use a laptop and other devices with the extender. From the ports of the extender, you can even connect other electronic devices. Following is information about our WiFi extender, which you might consider purchasing. Other network extenders are also available.

NETGEAR N300 Wi-Fi Range Extender - Desktop Version with 4-Ports (WN2000RPT)This range extender is like the one we own. Another family member also has the same one in his home. They are supposed to be a little bit tricky, but both range extenders work for us. At this price, you can't go wrong. As long as you set it up correctly, you should have no problem.

The Netgear Universal WiFi extender Wn2000RPT contains a 4-port adapter, a power adapter with 90-day warranty from date of sale and runs on Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari. It has four ports to connect, finds best location, and there is no CD to install. It has security through encryption and push and connects on router and extender.

Arrows on extender show strength. You can purchase this extender at Amazon for a decent price. We decided to move our desktop computer to another room, using our extender and a wireless adapter. The adapter attaches to a slot and synchronizes with our existing router in the computer room. The computer room is in one side of a 2000 sq ft house, and the computer move was to a middle room in the house - the same room where the extender is located. It is a total wireless setup and works perfectly.

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