How To Install YouTube App On IPhone, IPad Or IPod Touch

Updated on August 6, 2014 Max Dalton moreMax holds a B.S. Mass Communications from SIU and an M.A. Communication from U of I and is pursuing an MBA from Webster University. With the release of iOS 6 and the iPhone 5, Apple removed the YouTube app from the group of apps that are preinstalled on their devices. So if you get a new Apple device and notice it's missing, that's the reason. As a result, Google rolled out a native YouTube app that iPhone and iPod Touch users can install on their devices from the App Store the same way they would any other app. As no version of the app has been released for the iPad as of September 2012, you'll need to install the iPhone version on your iPad if you really want a native YouTube app. Alternatively, you can set up an icon on your iPad's home screen that points to the YouTube Web app.

how to iphone app
Both the native app and the Web app are fairly robus, giving you access to YouTube's entire catalog, and letting you subscribe to channels, see your video uploads, share video through social sites and more. Click thumbnail to view full-size What do you use you Apple device for more, Tap the "App Store" app on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch home screen. Tap the blue "Search" button in the lower right corner of the screen. A list of search results is generated. If you're searching on an iPad, you'll need to tap "iPhone Apps" at the top of the screen, as there isn't a native app built specifically for the iPad. Scroll down the list of search results until you arrive at the app named YouTube that's developed by Google, Inc. The app developer appears in gray text directly above the name of the app. You'll arrive at the Info screen for the YouTube app. Tap the blue "Free" button in the upper right corner of the app, then tap the green "Install App" button.

Enter the password associated with your Apple ID in the dialog box that appears on the screen, then tap "OK." The App Store screen automatically closes and you're taken to the home screen page where the app will be installed. The YouTube app will have a very high opacity while its installing, and a progress bar will be displayed beneath it showing you the status of the installation. The app is finished installing when the progress bar disappears and the app is no longer transparent. Tap the "YouTube" app to launch it. Tap the right-pointing arrow icon along the top of the screen on the iPad and along the bottom of the screen on an iPhone or iPod Touch. Tap "Add to Home Screen" and then tap "Add." An app that points to the YouTube Web app is placed on your device's home screen. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Post CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. Well, I gotta admit I was wrong on that one, lol. However, you can install the YouTube iPhone/iPod Touch app on the iPad. I've updated the article and video to reflect this. Because I realize this is going to be a disappointment to people, I also show them how to add a YouTube icon to their home screen so they can quickly get to the site. I hope this helps. Sorry for the confusion.

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