Allow me to be discoverable by No One: You won’t receive AirDrop requests. Allow me to be discoverable by Contacts Only: Only those in your Contacts folder will be able to share data with you using AirDrop. Allow me to be discoverable by Everyone: Anyone who wants to share data with you will be able to see you on AirDrop. You will also see another item, “Don’t see who you’re looking for, This will remind you of the steps you need to take to ask someone to make themselves available for a share, and will also let you search for people using older Macs. These use an older version of AirDrop which needs to be enabled. Once you have AirDrop setup on your Mac you can easily share all kinds of documents, files, photos, videos, and more using AirDrop. You will be taken to the AirDrop window that lists all available AirDrop users. You should see their name and an icon. To share items with one of these users just drag-&-drop them to their image in this window and tap Send. You can also select AirDrop in the sidebar in a Finder window.
You can also Control-click on a file and then choose AirDrop in the Share menu item. You can also use the Share pane in your Mac app if it is available. Tap Share within an app that supports sharing. A mini-AirDrop window appears. You will see a preview of the content you wish to share and a list of available users. Tap the icon of the person you want to share your item with. On a Mac, items are saved to the Downloads folder. AirDrop works a little differently on Macs running older versions of OS X because the technology has been improved over time. AirDrop in the Finder menu bar). If you want to receive something on older Macs then the person sending the data must use the Search for an Older Mac function in the AirDrop window. Mac users must check their Security & Privacy settings in System Preferences to ensure their Firewall is not set to “Block all incoming connections”. If it is then you should disable it for the current AirDrop session, before re-enabling it once again. Things work a little differently when you share content between your own devices. This is because your content is automatically sent to your recipient device when you hit share, so long as you are signed in with the same Apple ID on both devices. If you are not signed in using the same Apple ID on both devices AirDrop will work in the normal way and you will need to accept the content on the destination system before the transfer takes place.
Eager to use AirDrop to transfer files but AirDrop not working, AirDrop should let you transfer files seamlessly, but sometimes it may not work. AirDrop is a method of transferring files wirelessly from one device to another. The ease of transferring files to your Mac via AirDrop means you can quickly copy over pictures, and being able to share photos between devices means you won’t need to use storage space on a shared photostream. But AirDrop does more than just share files. You can share just about anything, from a cool app you found in the App Store to a web page. Almost anything that could be shared on Facebook, Twitter or iMessage can be shared through AirDrop. The AirDrop network is set up when you connect to AirDrop. To know more about AirDrop and a detailed step-by-step guide, check out our article on how to use AirDrop. If AirDrop doesn’t work, here are a few things you can try to resolve this issue.