How To Modify An IPhone Backup

how to iphone backup
Many folks want to know how to modify an iPhone backup. After all, the data you store in your iPhone is dynamic and changes often. You want to be sure it's backed-up with the latest changes, and that you can modify the back-up at will. So, how does this work, When the Apple iTunes application takes a backup of your iPhone, your applications, pictures, music and all other data is copied to your computer, via the USB cable, and then protected on your computer's hard drive. You'll see that to modify an iPhone backup is exceedingly simple and can be done in just a few short moments. Start your computer. Start your computer and log in. If your computer is password protected, supply the password and go to the desktop. Wait for a moment to allow background service to start properly. Connect iPhone. Take the USB cable that came with your iPhone and connect it to a free USB port on the computer. Connect the other end to your iPhone.

how to iphone backup
Your computer will automatically detect the iPhone and install any needed drivers. Open iTunes. To modify an iPhone backup, you must use Apple's iTunes application which is used to manage your iPhone. To start the iTunes application, click on "Start," "All Programs," then look for a folder called "iTunes" and click on it. Once the folder opens, click on the "iTunes" icon to start the application. Locate phone in iTunes. Look at the left hand column and look for "Devices." Locate your iPhone, which will appear as the name you gave it, for example "My Phone." This is the place to modify an iPhone backup. Open iPhone settings page. Click on your phone's name, for example, "My Phone," and notice that the screen is now displaying information about your iPhone, such as version number and serial number. Modify iPhone backup data. On the top of the page, click on "Info" to open the list of changes you can make. Select the option you want to modify on your iPhone, which will then be modified in your new backup. For example, scroll down to "Advanced" and replace "Contacts" which will copy your computer contacts to your iPhone. Once you finish modifying your iPhone's information, go to the top of the page and click on "Summary." When you are back on the "Summary" page, click "Sync" to commit the changes. Your backup will now be modified as well. Modify iPhone backup password. On the "Summary" page you can also modify your iPhone backup by setting a new password or changing an existing password. Tunes process to modify an iPhone backup. Each change you make to your iPhone will modify your iPhone backup automatically. You can think of this process as automatic protection. When you connect your iPhone to the computer and start iTunes, notice how a backup is taken during the normal sync process. It is the simplest way to modify an iPhone backup.

Now press and hold the Power button for 3 seconds. Without releasing the Power button also press and hold the Home button for 10 seconds. Release the Power button but keep holding the Home button for about 15 seconds. A message will pop up in iTunes that it has detected an iPhone in recovery mode. Click Ok and then Restore iPhone. How to enter DFU mode in details. When the iPhone restore completes the iPhone will restart and will display Slide to set up screen. Follow the instructions in order to set up your iPhone. However, the music collection that you synced with iTunes from your laptop is not saved during backup and cannot be restored. But you can use third party applications like iTools to save these to your computer before firmware restoration. You can use iTunes or even iTools to sync the music files back to the iPhone after it has been restored.

Upon successful iPhone firmware restore, iTunes will prompt you to set it up for use. Set up as new iPhone is appropriate if you are using an iPhone for the first time or are preparing it for sale. You do not want to sell it with your content. Point to a relevant iPhone backup if indicated in iTunes and let the restore initiate. Otherwise, use the backup options in the Summary tab of iTunes to initiate the restore. Connect iPhone cable to the computer and head over to the Summary tab. Select either iCloud or This computer to point to the location of your saved backup. Depending on the number of photos, apps, documents and other files, backup restore can take more than an hour to complete. It could take less time of course if your content is little. You can also restore iPhone from backup using iTools. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Post CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. I think your article will definitely help me next time.

I always get the following message: iTunes cannot sync photos to the iPhone because your Photos Library is not yet available. I’ve checked everything I can and can’t find any solutions. Phone 6 Plus, iOS 9.2.1, Sync with MacBook Air OS X 10.11.3”. One iPhone user PeterInParker questioned on Apple Support Communities. Actually, this is one common issue that many iPhone/iPad users have met before. And the causes of this problem are various, so the solutions are various, too. Below we show you some tips you can use if you drop into this problem and you cannot sync photos and videos from computer to your iPhone and iPad. Before you do as follows, you are suggested to backup your iPhone and iTunes library. Restart both of your computer and iOS device. Turn off iCloud Photo Library and My Photo Stream on iOS Device. Turn off iCloud Photo Library and My Photo Stream on computer. Update iOS, iTunes, Mac to latest version.

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