How To Use Stock IPhone Camera App To Scan QR Codes

It may seem like an eternity ago when we watched Apple lift the covers off the radically redesigned iOS 7 at this year’s WWDC, but let’s be honest with ourselves here - we’re all still talking about it. Whether our opinions are largely positive, negative or remain neutral; the fact remains that Apple is embarking on a journey of rebirth when it comes to iOS. The introduction of iOS 7 saw a number of existing jailbreak tweaks become null and void, but developer Evan Swick can think himself lucky that his new NativeQR package is still relevant and hasn’t been Sherlocked by Apple’s creative teams. We’re offering no prizes for the first reader who manages to correctly guess what kind of functionality NativeQR brings to the stock camera app. After all, the name really speaks for itself. Some people love QR codes and some people simply can’t abide to them. Swick has done a great job of implementing QR code reading functionality into iOS and his implementation is as "native" as it could have possibly been.

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The option to enable or disable the QR reading abilities has been added to the Options toggle on the camera visual overlay, making it feel like it actually belongs there from the beginning. Rather than having to download a third-party app from the App Store, NativeQR makes it possible to quickly invoke the camera from the lock screen or the home screen and quickly scan a code when one is present. In addition to the code scanning aspects of the tweak, it is also possible to quickly and efficiently share contact information. Users with this package installed can head into the Contacts app, select a contact, select the Share Contact option and tap the newly added QR Code option. Love them or hate them, QR codes are definitely here to stay and NativeQR makes working with them a little easier on device. BigBoss repository and requires a jailbroken iPhone or iPod touch running iOS 6.0 or above. This package is not yet compatible with the iPad.

If you want to find out whether you email has been read, you'll need to turn on email read reciepts on your iPhone. They can be great if used for business, checking if people have received event invitations, or if you’re generally a bit paranoid. They’ve been around for years, used blatantly by the likes of Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird who use a read-receipt tracking mechanism which only works if a read receipt is sent and the recipient choses to notify the sender. Apple Mail doesn’t offer an in-built read receipt tracker, so to track who reads your emails and how long they look at them, it requires downloading an app. The apps provide a completely guarded way to check in-depth data about when, where and for how long your email was opened. There are two main types for iPhone and iPad users: MailTracker and iTrackMail works with Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook and Mail.

You might also like to check out our review of the best email app for iPhone and iPad, 2016 edition, and How to fix Apple Mail. MailTracker can be downloaded from the App Store to your iPhone or iPad, and lets you send emails from your Mail app like normal using your previous address - whether it be Google, iCloud or Yahoo. MailTracker shows how long a person reads your email, how many times they view it and the device and location they viewed it. The best part is, the person won’t even know. However, it does mention these features are not always available, and might not always accurate. Viewing your own sent emails on different devices in Sent Mail or Threads/Conversations may trigger a false alert. Download MailTracker from the App Store and follow the installation process, which may take a few minutes. It will ask you to choose which platform to use - Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook or iCloud. You will be sent a verification email. And prompted to disable your old Mail account in order to start sending tracked emails. To disable your old Mail account, go to Settings, Mail, Contacts, Calendars, tap iCloud and disable Mail. MailTracker will give a step-by-step guide on how to do that. Once you’ve opened MailTracker, it will let you send a test email first. You can also mute certain people or change the alert sound to Silent. Within MailTracker, you can check your feed, starred emails and sent mail. Although the app is secretive, it does require you to essentially be using two apps - sending an email in Mail, and tracking it in MailTracker.

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