How To Deactivate Instagram On IPhone App & Delete Instagram Account IPhone

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For some reasons, you may want to temporarily deactivate Instagram on iPhone app or even delete Instagram permanently. Is there any possible way to deactivate/delete Instagram account from iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch directly, The following article offers you a detailed guide on how to deactivate/delete Instagram account from iPhone 6/6plus/7 temporarily or permanently. According to Instagram policy, you are allowed to delete your Instagram account as you wanted to, but what the restriction is you just can’t complete the operation within the Instagram app. To deactivate or delete Instagram account, you have to log into Instgram from your iPhone browser to finish other steps. Remember, you can't disable or delete a Instagram account if you are not able to log into it. You can make it only on the condition that you have the username as well as password. Now let's check the detailed guide. Note that when you choose to disable your Instagram account temporarily, your profile, photos, videos, likes and comments will be hidden until you reactivate your account.

how to iphone account
Scroll down, and click “Temporarily disable my account”, select a reason, and confirm your option by clicking “Temporarily Disable Account”. Now, you disable your Instagram account temporarily from iPhone. If you are not just looking to take a break, then you can delete your Instagram account permanentely instead. Select a reason from the drop-down menu and let Instagram know why you want to delete your Instagram account. Re-enter your Instagram account password, click the red button “Permanently delete my account” and delete Instagram account permanently from iPhone. Once you press the button, all of your photos, followers, comments, likes and other data will be deleted permanently and will not be recoverable. Now you know how to disable and delete Instagram account from iPhone. If you want to delete the Instagram app, we suggest you to take advantage of an iPhone manager, like IOTransfer, one of the best iOS file transfer and management software. IOTransfer can manage and delete apps from PC easily and safely.

Software Update and then search for the update. If the update does not show up at the first time, simply close the Settings menu and repeat the procedure. Once it shows up, just download and install it like you would update your firmware normally over the air. Do make sure to open the iOS 10 beta profile directly on Safari on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Furthermore, make sure that your device is compatible with iOS 10 as well. If you don’t do that, your device might get damaged. Complete these prerequisites and you will be automatically redirected to install iOS 10 beta from within the Settings app. Since the beta will be downloaded as an OTA update, all of your data will remain as it is. However, do back your data up using iTunes in case something goes wrong. This is it, you will install iOS 10 beta without an Apple Developer account. OS 10 offers a lot of new features, ranging from rich notifications on the lock screen for iPhone 6s and 6s Plus to the redesigned Apple Music app. This is it for now, folks. What do you guys think about this tweak to install iOS 10 beta, If you’re going to try this, be sure to let us know in the comments.

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